You are unique. There is no one else out there that is exactly like you. There is no one that has had all the experiences you have had. That also means that you don't want senior portraits that are cookie cutter. You want what you want. Now, I am a photographic artist I have a vision to share but that vision comes second to what you want. This is why I ask every one of my new friends what they want to convey in their images and then I work hard to capture that for them.
Lama was a great student leader at UCR. She wanted images at special places and she wanted her wardrobe to illustrate her confidence. Here is what Lama said about here senior portrait session, "I really enjoyed my photoshoot with John-Paul because he made sure to ask me what message I wanted to capture in my images and tried his best to get pictures of me in all of my favorite spots on campus. Thank you John-Paul!
We had so much fun at Lama's session. There was jumping, tossing the cap, and changing between so many stoles! We took pictures in front of offices and even in the street! This meant that Lama had a lot of images with a lot of different looks to choose from when she purchased her collection in the Keepsake box!